News Archive
Premier League clubs unite with Kick It Out to promote LGBT inclusion
Kick It Out has released a film featuring players from every Premier League club aimed at promoting LGBT inclusion as the FvH month of action draws to…
Israel’s first transgender player leads FvH friendly match at Ramat Gan National Stadium
The match was played under the motto "Colours of the Rainbow" and was the first anti-homophobia event to get the support of the Israel Football…
International Centre for Sports Studies to host roundtable on racism in football
The event aims debate ways to tackle the problem through the expertise and experience of international guests as former player Christian…
‘Inclusion and respect is a right’: Roundtable on ethnic minority women and football
Further discussions on football's role in supporting the development and personal empowerment of ethnic minority women
Roundtable: Roma inclusion and the role of sport
Join us for this important event in Bucharest. Fill in the application form by March 5th.
Rosario Central of Argentina show the way in dealing with gender-based violence among players after incident outside bar
The club's approach comes after the creation of a dedicated working group on women’s issues within its structures
Incidents list reported to Fare during January 2018
The following incidents of racism, xenophobia, extreme nationalism or homophobia have been reported to Fare during January 2018
Balotelli becomes 12th player to be punished for reporting racism
Across the world referees are not hearing the protests of black players when they point out racial abuse
Human Constanta translates European Signs and Symbols guide into Russian
The guide is meant to be used as a practical tool for activists and NGO volunteers, fans, journalists and the wider society to recognise…
New #EqualGame story addresses the inclusion of minor refugees and migrants
The story highlights how football can help develop the potential of youth migrants and refugees in difficulty and further their social inclusion
INSPIRE project kicks-off in London to increase community involvement in refugee inclusion
At the meeting, partners discussed steps and adjusted procedures of the preparation stage
Fare partner to host roundtable on LGBTIQ inclusion in Slovenia
The event will use the heightened media attention around the UEFA Futsal EURO 2018 to open a national debate on the topic
Speakers announced for FIFA Equality and Inclusion conference
Conference will be held under the heading of ‘Pass it on – Hope through football’ and will touch on how equal opportunities in sport can…
Offre d’emploi: spécialiste en communication
Vous écrivez bien, vous comprenez les réseaux sociaux et vous voulez changer le monde…
Stellenausschreibung: Communications specialist
Du kannst schreiben, du verstehst die sozialen Medien und du will die Welt verändern…
Job Opportunity: Communications specialist
You can write, you understand social media and you want to change the world…
Paris Saint-German to host EFDN conference in March
Throughout two-days, speakers, moderators and facilitators will share best practice and stimulating innovative ideas within the Corporate…
Football v Homophobia month of action underway - Get involved
The month-long campaign supports activities to make football and its structures inclusive to all, and increasing the participation and…
CAFE Week of Action to celebrate inclusion in football
Total Football Total Access aims to encourage the football family to celebrate the wider inclusion of disabled people