News Archive
Media reporting seminar to use England match to grow women in football in Bosnia
A seminar on media reporting of women's football in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) will take place in Sarajevo this Thursday (31 March). Organised by…
‘Very little progress in tackling racism and xenophobia’ say human rights experts
Ahead of the United Nations (UN) International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination human rights experts have raised concerns over the…
Italian sport joins #TweetOffRacism campaign
For the fourth consecutive year, Foundation Candido Cannavò and Comunità Nuova will organise a day against racism in sport aligned with their social…
The week in which the Roma jokes went too far
In less than a week three incidents involving football fans humiliating Roma beggars in Spain and Italy have become representative of a long list of…
Australian sporting codes sign for new system to measure LGBTI inclusion
Australian major sporting codes have committed to creating more inclusive environments for LGBTI people by participating in the newly launched Pride…
No habéis vivido la vida de los gitanos ¿por qué queréis humillarnos?
FAGiC, conjuntamente con Fare, condenan la humillación de las mujeres gitanas por los aficionados del PSV Eindhoven en Madrid horas antes de que este…
Austrian sport discuss social legacy of mega events ahead of Rio 2016
The sustainability of mega sporting events and their social legacy were at centre of discussions on the latest forum of the Vienna initiative 'O Nosso…
‘You have not lived the lives of the Roma, so why try to humiliate us?’
Fare members in Spain have joined the condemnation of the humiliation of Roma women by PSV Eindhoven fans in Madrid hours ahead of their clubs UEFA…
UNITED week against racism kicks-off
European network UNITED for Intercultural Action have launched their annual weeklong campaign to protest against all forms of discrimination and…
FOOTBALL FOR FREEDOM to highlight football’s part in helping refugees
Fare members in France will use the publicity and heightened public interest around the Euro 2016 to highlight the plight of refugees, bringing people…
Fare Observer training for Euro 2016 in Paris
Over 30 specialists from across Europe met in Paris, France, to participate in the Fare Observer training for the UEFA Euro 2016 finals this summer.…
Fare partner in Argentina present award to player for challenging xenophobia
Not-for-profit organisation Encontrarse en La Diversidad have presented an honorable mention to the Paraguayan player Óscar David Romero Villamayor…
EGLSF annual conference and general assembly held in Glasgow
For the first time in 28 years the European Gay and Lesbian Sports Federation EGLSF congregated in Scotland for its annual conference and members…
FIFA Women’s Football and Leadership conference furthers equality reforms
The second edition of the FIFA Women’s Football and Leadership Conference held at the FIFA headquarters in Zurich, on 7 March, provided a platform…
‘Step it up for gender equality’ say campaigners on International Women’s Day
Building on the momentum of the reforms adopted by the world football governing body FIFA to address gender imbalance and under-resourcing of…
Athlete Ally launch campaign to promote dialogue around fan culture
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Refugee team to participate in Rio 2016 Olympics
A team of up to 10 refugees could take part in the Rio Olympic Games after the International Olympic Committee (IOC) approved the plan. A total of 43…
Incidents list reported to Fare during February 2016
The following incidents of racism, xenophobia, extreme nationalism or homophobia have been reported to Fare during February 2016. This list is only…