News Archive
Global Goals looking for female leaders for European Coaches Programme
Eir Soccer, founders of the Global Goals World Cup, are looking to recruit 12 female volunteer ambassador coaches for Copenhagen project.
#FootballPeople weeks’ gender equality focus to culminate tonight
The need to increase the number of opportunities for women to enjoy and be a part of football has once again been a prime focus of this year's…
Fare welcomes European Parliament resolution on the threat of the far-right in Europe
European Parliament passes resolution denouncing the lack of serious action against neo-fascist and neo-Nazi groups in both Europe and European sport.
Armenian Youth Initiative NGO chosen as face of UEFA’s 2018 Football People weeks promotional materials
UEFA have chosen to use a photo from the Armenian NGO ‘Youth Initiatives Promotion Center’ as promotional material for their match day adverts for…
LGBT rights a major focus of Football People weeks as groups unite worldwide
LGBT rights are once again a major focus of the Football People weeks in 2018, as organisations around the world come together to promote LGBTQI…
Football People weeks take centre stage during UEFA elite competitions
European football governing body UEFA continues to show its support to the Football People weeks with more activities planned during a comprehensive…
Homophobia and transphobia in Polish sport discussed at #FootballPeople weeks event in Warsaw
Polish organisation Chrząszczyki Sports Club debated how to break the silence on homo- les- bi- and transphobia in Polish sport at their…
How football helped me escape war in Syria for new life in the Netherlands - Raed Bko - #FootballPeople weeks interview
We speak to Syrian refugee and ex-professional footballer Raed Bko about his journey and his role on the panel of Kompass and One Young World The…
Football and Refugees - Addressing key challenges
UEFA's focus on the fight for equality, diversity and inclusion in European football continues with the launch of a collection of good practices…
Buy your Football People campaign pack
The Football People weeks are a two-week pan-European campaign focused on tackling discrimination in football and using the game to…
List of incidents reported to Fare during September 2018
The following incidents of racism, xenophobia, extreme nationalism or homophobia have been reported to Fare during September 2018. This list is only…
Turkish organisations come together in unprecedented numbers for #FootballPeople weeks
Turkey has come together in unprecedented numbers for this year's #FootballPeople weeks, with the number of events taking place this year on a far…
#FootballPeople weeks 2018 global campaign launches aimed at tackling discrimination in 60+ countries
Some of football’s biggest names will join a social change movement of over 100,000.
#FootballPeople weeks tournament in Italy to protest new government measures ‘criminalising refugees’
Amateur club ASD Polisportiva Atletico Diritti will host a football tournament during the 2018 #FootballPeople weeks to mark the fifth anniversary of…
Diversity conference to help drive change in the sports media as part of #FootballPeople weeks
The sports media will come together today at the #DWord3 conference organised by BCOMS (Black Collective of Media in Sport) to address…
Britain’s first black female football pioneer to be celebrated at London event as part of #FootballPeople weeks
The life of Emma Clarke, Britain’s first black female football pioneer, will be celebrated at an event at The Royal Society of Arts on Tuesday…
International conference on refugees and football to take place in Warsaw - 4 December
Integration of refugees through football conference to take place in Warsaw, Poland.
Fare debates social legacy of sports events at UN Human Rights Council Social Forum
How major sporting events can leave behind a meaningful social legacy was the topic of discussion as the Fare network held a panel discussion at the…