News Archive

The state authorities acting to tackle discrimination in football
In recent years there has been greater involvement of state bodies and government agencies in several European countries. Practice in countries such…

More state bodies are dealing with discrimination in football across Europe
Their work is often slow and patient, it rarely makes headlines, but the growing number of government appointed bodies in Europe turning their…

BLOG. Racial abuse in the Bundesliga: The sanction dealt with an incident but left the issues unresolved
The DFB suspended Florian Hübner for two matches on Thursday but the incident shows how the issue of racism in German football needs much more…

Fare v Homophobia: What’s next for LGBTIQ+ Rights and Football? An online conference
Leading international voices from within sport will come together on the 24th and 25th February to ask: What’s next for LGBTIQ+ Rights and Football?

Call for experts in football, extremism and social media to join a 3-year project
Fare is looking to appoint experts in football, extremism and social media to join a steering group as part of a project funded by Google