News Archive
Spanish sports body expresses concern over anti-pregnancy clause
The Superior Council of Sports (CSD), the Spanish Government organisation responsible for directing the development of sport within Spain, has…
Black players, coaches and leaders recognised through Black List
Some of the leading names in English football will be present at a unique celebration of the achievements of the black community tonight for the…
Cape Verde holds first conference on women and sport
The first national conference on women and sport has been held in Cape Verde to highlight contribution and boost the participation of women in sport.…
Refugees play for inclusion in Israel
On the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (21 March) Fare member New Israel Fund (NIF) organised a football tournament to…
‘The Balotelli Generation’, new book looks at inclusion and belonging in Italian football and society
A new book from writer and lecturer Max Mauro explores issues of inclusion and identity in Italy through what are known as ‘The Balotelli…
Combatting hate speech in sport
Registration for online training to combat hate speech and discrimination in sport for football trainers is now open.[/intro_paragraph] As part of…
Polish FA head accused of sexism
The Polish FA (PZPN) chairman Zbigniew Boniek has caused controversy this week following comments made to a female football administrator on social…
Football and gender equality programme to reach 60,000 children in Uruguay
A new grassroots programme looking to promote and raise awareness of gender equality through football has been launched in Uruguay. The project is the…
GMadrid Sports opens registration for Pride Games 2017
The LGBT sports club GMadrid Sports has announced the opening of the registration window for the 2017 Madrid Pride Games. The ninth edition of the…
Refugee Cup hoping to build bridges in Brazil
Copa dos Refugiados, the only refugee cup in Brazil, will kick-off on Sunday 26 March in Porto Alegre to highlight the contribution of refugees and…
Licra hosts football tournament to unite refugee and student communities in Paris
Fare member Ligue Internationale Contre le Racisme et l’Antisémitisme (Licra) organised a futsal tournament to bring together refugee and students…
Sport stands together to fight racism
On the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination the world of sport joins the United Nations (UN) to strengthen its stand on…
Jordan FA inaugurate first women’s stadium ahead of 2018 Asian Cup
The Jordanian Football Association has inaugurated the first women’s stadium in the capital Amman to host next year's Women’s Asian Cup. Jordan…
Public outrage as Brazilian club signs goalkeeper convicted of killing his girlfriend
Brazilian club Boa Esporte is facing a backlash after giving two-year contract to Bruno Fernandes de Souza, who was convicted of murdering his…
UNITED action week against racism 2017
Organisations across Europe are preparing activities to mark the European Action Week Against Racism. Organised by UNITED for Intercultural Action, a…
2017 Etnoliga kicks-off in Warsaw
Migrants, refugees and local people will help kick-off the biggest cross-cultural football event in Eastern Europe this weekend, with players from…
Patrizia Panico becomes first woman to coach an Italian men’s team
For the first time in Italian history, a female coach will lead a male team as Patrizia Panico leads the Azzuri Under-16s for two friendlies against…
Newly restructured women’s football league ‘Brasileirão Femenino’ kicks-off in Brazil
The recently re-launched women’s football league in Brazil began their season last weekend, with more teams and an additional division. The league…
Captain of amateur team hospitalised after defending team-mate from racism
In an attack that has created headlines across Italy, a 28-year-old amateur footballer for a team on the outskirts of Turin, was attacked and…
Training of ‘Agents of Change’ for the ‘PsyTool’ project is underway
Over 50 people begin training with the objective to become 'agents of change', as part of the Erasmus+ project PsyTool. The PsyTool project is being…
Football3 to empower youth in 11 countries
An international project combining football, fair play, equality and teamwork with discussion and reflection, is bringing together a wide range of…
FIFA set independent advisory board of human rights experts
FIFA have announced the creation of an independent advisory body composed of international experts from the United Nations, trade unions, civil…
Chadian student killed in Kazan by football hooligans
A 24-year-old African law student has been killed in a racist attack in Kazan, Russia, by a group of football hooligans on Monday 6 March. According…
‘Get Inclusive In the Game’ to promote innovative synergies for refugee and female inclusion
A sports project, co-funded by the European Union Erasmus+ programme, has kicked-off proposing a sustainable model of cooperation based on the…
FIFA ‘Live Your Goals’ inspires Roma girls in Bucharest
Fare member Policy Center for Roma and Minorities, the Romanian Football Federation and Global Shapers Bucharest Hub are holding a joint event…
D Word 2 guide launched to increase diversity in the sports media
A guide designed to help the sports media become more diverse will be launched today, 7 March, by the Black Collective of Media in Sport (BCOMS) in…
FIFA conference to focus on equality and inclusion
The third edition of the FIFA Women’s Football and Leadership conference, to be held today 6 March, in Zurich ahead of the International Women’s…
FIFA announce changes that make it easier for young refugees to play
FIFA have announced an amendment to the system of registration of players that could be a significant step forward in changing the way that young…
Fare members available for Erasmus+ partnerships
A wide range of Fare network members are available to join partnerships as part of the European Commission Erasmus+ funding programme for sport. Our…
Incidents list reported to Fare during February 2017
The following incidents of racism, xenophobia, extreme nationalism or homophobia have been reported to Fare during February 2017. This list is only…