News Archive
Small grants 31 July deadline to drive diversity and inclusion during #FootballPeople weeks approaches
The #FootballPeople small grants are back to support hundreds of projects across Europe
Balon Mundial’s Migrants Cup kicks-off
Commonly known as the “Migrants Cup” the annual tournament is also one of Europe’s highlights of social interventions in sport during summer
Fare blog: We need to talk about sexism at the World Cup
On the face of it high-profile women are hard to find at the World Cup. There are no female match officials, no stadium announcers, and there have…
Fare response to Lord Alan Sugar’s comments
Fare is taking the unusual step of responding to the offensive comments made by Lord Sugar about the Senegal team.
Fare World Cup 2018 Refugee XI celebrates refugee footballers
For #WorldRefugeeDay the Fare network has named a World Cup 2018 Refugee XI, a team of players from refugee backgrounds playing at the World Cup.
Meeting in Colorno sets dates for launch of SAVEit learning tools
SAVEit partners meet in Colorno, Italy, to discuss the project and its deliverables ahead of the launch of the toolkit, video game and e-learning…
#ToRussiaWithLove say gay football fan clubs ahead of World Cup
A movement of gay football fan groups in Germany are set to launch a campaign to highlight the challenges and exclusion the LGBT+ community faces…
World Cup guide for minorities and Diversity House launched
Fare has launched three initiatives in Russia this summer – a Diversity Guide, a Diversity House initiative and a WhatsApp emergency hotline.
“Inclusion and respect is a right” roundtable on ethnic minority women in football takes place in Berlin
The Fare roundtable event "Inclusion and respect is a right" on ethnic minority women in football took place this week in Berlin (30 May 2018).
List of incidents reported to Fare during May 2018
The following incidents of racism, xenophobia, extreme nationalism or homophobia have been reported to Fare during May 2018.