
Football theatre play addresses homophobia in Slovakia

A touring theatre play on LGBT rights, organised as part of the Fare Football People weels, is looking to open a debate around homophobia and sexism in Slovakian football.

The cultural initiative, which is aiming to become a stereotype-breaking action for young people and the general public, tells the story of Heňa, a football player, who fells in love with Simona, a player from the biggest rival team and the homophobic attack that both are victims of after Heňa’s team mates find out about the two.

Several years later, on a train to Sečovce, south-eastern Slovakia, to meet Simona, Heňa reflects on her memories and tells the audience her story.

The drama play, entitled Crossover, will be touring Slovakia in November, the next performance will be held on 18 November, in Bratislava.

Andrej Kuruc, managing director of the NoMantinels theater, said:"Homophobia in sports is even stronger than in the rest of society. In fact, sport events and the related environment do not allow LGBT to live their lives in accordance with their feelings.

"We are glad that we can participate in this project and introduce the issue to the public."

The play is led by the No Mantinels theatre in cooperation with the Slovakia anti-discrimination NGO Institute for Intercultural Dialogue and sporting project ‘Sport – different colours, one game’.

Michal Zálešák, co-founder of the campaign from Inštitút pre medzikultúrny dialóg, said: "Although people may perceive the combination of sport and theater as unusual, theater performances are excellent means to draw attention to certain social problems."

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