
FC Paris Arc-En-Ciel celebrate diversity with FvH event

Longstanding supporter of the Football v Homophobia Month of Action (FvH), French club FC Paris Arc-En-Ciel is organising a football tournament to mark the month-long campaign.

Held for the second consecutive year, the five-a-side tournament will feature men’s and women’s teams that will meet at ‘Five Paris’ for a day of football and LGBT rights. It will take place on 18 February.

“This year we want to raise awareness of the issue of homophobia in football amongst all of those we regularly play against, in the championship or in friendly tournaments.” said Mélanie Pieters, President of FC Paris Arc-En-Ciel.

French and European organisations including SOS Homophobie, the French Gay and Lesbian Sports Federation and Queering Football have promised to throw their support behind the event as part of a wider push to encourage diversity in football.

FC Paris Arc-En-Ciel is a LGBT club with over 110 members. Over the last years, the club has been involved in a series of campaigns to show support for and further the rights of LGBT people, including Stonewall’s rainbow laces, actions with the French Football Federation and the Fare Football People weeks.

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