For 10 days this June we celebrate the FIFA Women’s World Cup. Come and join for us match screenings, events, talks and just a nice vibe.
All events are free to attend | Follow us @farenet to stay up-to-date with events. Venue address: 9/11 rue des Déchargeurs, angle 15 rue des Halles 75001, Paris.
21.00hrs (all times are CEST) - Opening match live – France v South Korea
15:00 – 16:15 - Film Screening ‘Ladies’ Turn’ + Q&A with Seyni Ndir Seck former Senegal NWT captain
The epic story of a women's football tournament in Senegal.
An inspiring film of women footballers demanding equality. The right to play, the right to speak, the right to choose and the right to follow their hearts and dreams.
Yohaline & Fatma, two former footballers at Diambars «Stadium sup» programme
Jean-Marc Adjovi Bocco, former footballer for Benin and Diambars Founder with Saer Seck, Bernard Lama et Patrick Vieira
Pierre Mbas, Director of programmes and partnerships at Diambars NGO
Seyni Ndir Seck, former captain of the Senegal women's national team, member of the Ladies’ Turn association, director of the commission in charge of Women’s Football at the Senegalese federation
Marina Wilson, Alias Dj Cheetah, founder of Black Square and Afro FC
16:00 – 17:30 - Special Round Table: African Women in Football (a podcast by Afro FC Podcast)
What is the status of women’s football in Africa and within the African Diaspora? The discussion features leading voices within the African football community in France including Benin international Jean-Marc Adjovi Bocco of Diambars.
18:30 – 20:30 - Dj Cheetah Dj Set Party
21:00 – Live Match - Norway v Nigeria
13.00 – Live Match – Australia v Italy
15.30 – Live Match – Brazil v Jamaica
18.00 – Live Match – England v Scotland
19:00 - ‘Freedom Fields’ – Movie screening and Q&A with director Naziha Arebi
FREEDOM FIELDS follows three women and their football team in post-revolution Libya, as the country descends into civil war and the utopian hopes of the Arab Spring begin to fade. A love letter to sisterhood and the power of the team.
18:30 – European Gay and Lesbian Sports Federation (EGLSF) & Les Dégommeuses: LGBT sport - A safe space for empowering women.
A panel discussion exploring how LGBT sports clubs provide a space for empowering women against the background of homophobia and sexism in sport.
18:30 - EGLSF: #MeToo Sport
The impact of the #metoo movement was late reaching the sports arena. This session will listen to the voices of those that have been affected by sexual violence in sport through a film on their personal narratives.
19:00 – Fighting for Equality - The Hijab ban and Muslim Women in football
An international panel looks at Muslim women who want to practice football, but are prohibited by rules and the expectations of society. The ban on the hijab in French sport being a good example, highlighting the difference between FIFA and French FA rules.
Haifa Tlili, University of Paris,
Shireen Ahmed, Canada-based writer, consultant and activist
Fatiha Ajbli, sociologist
Rim-Sarah Alouane, Human rights researcher and commentator
Nicolas Cadène, General rapporteur of the French government Secularism Observatory
Mariem Sabil, Collective Contre L’Islamophobie
19:00 - Pride House International Panel
Sex and gender in women’s sport - a conversation with Dr. Payoshni Mitra and Lou Englefield.
Dr. Payoshni Mitra is an Athletes’ Rights Advocate and scholar who has worked with Dutee Chand and Castor Semanya. Lou Englefield is a Director of Pride Sports in the UK and has been a leading voice on LGBTIQ+ inclusion in sport.
15:00 – Panel by LICRA (Ligue Internationale Contre le Racisme et l’Antisémitisme)
Sport, vehicles and obstacles to discrimination – Le sport, vecteur et frein aux discriminations
The universality of sport allows meetings and sharing in a unique language that erase differences. But we are not all equal on the starting line.
19:00 - Special Round Table by Carine Bloch, host of weekly broadcast ‘Vivons Sport’ at Cause Commune radio station.
Jean-Baptiste Guégan, Teacher, author and expert in sport geopolitics
Frédéric Hamelin, journalist
Céline Jérôme, member of les Irrésistibles Français, French supporters group
Carine Bloch, consultant, trainer on societal sport challenges, host of weekly broadcast “Vivons Sport” at “Cause Commune” radio station
18.00 – Live Match – USA v Chile
16:00 - Sport and Citizenship Panel: Stereotypes and Discrimination - Women in the media
This discussion will look at women’s sport in France and show how sport can contribute to women’s empowerment and dismantle gender stereotypes, whether it be through sport participation, media coverage, or other enablers and constrainers of women’s sport.
Honey Thaljieh, Corporate Communications Manager at FIFA, Co-founder and 1st captain of women’s football in Palestine
Marie-Cécile Naves, Studies Manager of Sport and Citizenship
Maxime Leblanc, Director of EU Affairs of Sport and Citizenship
Andrzej Rogulski (Member of the Scientific committee of Sport and Citizenship