A new manual, published by the Fare member DISCOVER FOOTBALL, is setting out a number of strategies and action points to help female coaches further challenge gender roles in football and fight for an equal share of the game.[/intro_paragraph]
'Female Coaching Zone' is a coaching manual featuring female perspectives, experiences and exercises to influence the development of girls and women's football. By focusing on female coaches the Berlin-based NGO is looking to further the presence of women in football, not only as players, but as coaches, educators and leaders.
It includes background information on coaches and coaching as well as ideas on how to deal with common challenges like coaching heterogeneous teams, the lack of financial support, not having enough players or dealing with conflicts within the team.
The educational and good practice resource is the result of an intensive week of discussions and exchanges between twenty female coaches from 16 countries, organised by DISCOVER FOOTBALL, in December 2015.