DISCOVER FOOTBALL is calling on women's teams to participate in their sixth women's rights and football festival, which will take place in India, to highlight football's power to empower women and educate on women's rights.
'Our body, Ou rights, Our Game' is focused on driving gender equality, raising awareness of reproductive and sexual rights for women in Indian and promote their participation in society by sharing experiences and building a network of women from different backgrounds.
The event will be comprised of a friendly tournament as well as topic-related workshops and skills-building trainings.
To foster the exchange and stress the idea of overcoming cultural, religious and language barriers, the tournament will be played by mixed teams selected from across all participating team.
The festival will run between 05-13 August in Mapusa, Goa, and is being organised with the support of the regional FA, Feminist Approach to Technology and the NGOs Foot and Ball and Tibet Women's Football.
To participate fill in this form by 18 June.