Refugee teams from all over Italy will travel to Riace for the annual Mondiali Antirazzisti football tournament for social inclusion in July.
The tournament will once again celebrate the contributions of migrants to Italian society. In previous years over 1,000 participants have taken part, with those from migrant and refugee backgrounds and locals coming together to play football, exchange cultures and socialise.
This year Mondiali are holding two flagship events. The first took place in Bosco Albergati (31st May - 2nd June). The second will take place in Riace (Reggio Calabria) between 5th and 7th July.
"This year we decided to change completely the formula and the proposals," said Daniela Conti of UISP. "We also decided to have one meeting in the deep south of Italy, the first door of welcoming for refugees, to demand that their rights are respected and to stand up against racism."
"We chose Riace because we believe in a reception model that respects people’s dignity and therefore gives them work, as well as a home. We believe that a peaceful coexistence between different cultures is not only possible but indeed brings benefits to all."
Over the course of the event there will be football tournaments, volleyball tournaments, rugby tournaments and many other sport activities, open to people of all ages, genders, sexual orientation and ethnicities.
There will also be workshops and visits to Riace municipality and its different projects, discussing how it is possible create a positive model of welcoming and respect for all.
During the tournament Mondiali will promote the participation of refugees who live in the south of Italy, where life conditions and exploitation of refugees is generally worse than in the rest of Italy.
The anti-racism tournament by Mondiali Antirazzisti is an initiative co-funded by Fare. For further info and registration visit their website
For further reading on the situation in Riace and the harsh conditions and rough treatment they face see here.