
Who is Janusz Waluś? And why he is a hero to some far-right football fans
In recent weeks banners and chants celebrating an obscure Polish man have been making the rounds at football matches by far-right supporters. The man,…

BLOG: Rafael Villanueva on challenging homophobic football culture in Mexico
“Poll after poll of the population shows the disregard most Mexicans have towards the LGBTIQ+ community. Homophobia is normalised from abuse, to human rights violations, to murder.”
Call for participation
European Roundtable on Roma, Sinti, and Traveller (RST) communities in sports The European Roundtable, titled, ‘Uniting Histories: Football Heritage…

EMPOWER international Conference for refugee women

FIFA introduces ‘crossed arms’ gesture
Gesture to be used to trigger the three- step procedure by referees during matches

Call for Experts in the inclusion of Roma, Sinti and Traveller communities through sport
Could you be a national expert in Belgium, Czech Republic, Ireland, Italy, or Spain?

Call for Mentors: Empower Refugee Women in Sport
Could you be a mentor for coaches working with refugees? The REWINS 2.0 project aims to promote the inclusion of refugee women in sport and training…

Italy: A beautiful football culture that remains rotten with racism
The latest high-profile incident involving a walk-off by Mike Maignan and his AC Milan team-mates reflects the failure to come to terms with a…

2024 Best Awards signal the change for women
Fare Blog

World Refugee Day
Fare Refugee XI 2023

Fare statement regarding Syzman Marciniak

Fare membership

Equality & Inclusion in Football Conference 2023
Join us in Lisbon, 15 and 16 June 2023

International Women’s Day 2022: #BreakTheBias in Football
This International Womens Day Fare is celebrating women creating change in and through football

Fare has issued the following statement in regard to the invasion of Ukraine
"The Fare network stands with our members and partners across Europe to condemn the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. We join actors in football,…

Football v Homophobia Month of Action 2022
For the 2022 Football v Homophobia Month of Action, Fare are proud to announce a number of new initiatives we will deliver with FvH in the coming…

ACTIVE in sport and based in the EU? We want to hear from you!
Are you based in a European Union country? Do you play, coach or work in sports? If yes, then take part in the ACTIVE project online survey. The…

PhD in racism and football at Erasmus University Rotterdam
Erasmus University together with Fare, the worldwide players’ union FIFPRO, and UEFA are looking to appoint a highly motivated PhD candidate to…

Training opportunity for coaches creating social change in the south of England
On Monday 6th and Monday 20th December, Fare will be running in-person training sessions on football3 in collaboration with Albion in the Community,…

Sport and Refugee Women: The INSPIRES European Seminar
Join experts from across the refugee and sport fields on Monday 6th September 2022 to discuss the inclusion of refugee women in and through sport.